Squash rackets have changed substantially in the last twenty to thirty years. They used to be made from wood, have a small head and be strung with animal-gut. There was little difference between one racket and another.
(Photo Credit: A3sthetix)
Today’s rackets are made out of graphite or carbon fiber, they have synthetic strings, come in various weights and tend to have a large head that kind of loosely resembles a snowshoe.
To the beginner there can be simply too much choice – what is key is making sure that the racket feels right. Does it feel too light or two heavy? Do some practice swings until you find one that feels right for you.
Vibration is another important aspect of a racket – if the racket vibrates too much on impact this can seriously affect the way that you play. Hit the racket against your hand or knee and see if you feel any excessive vibration. Some rackets come equipped with vibration dampeners placed somewhere near the head of the racket.
If there is a squash professional at the club you play at then ask them for advice before purchasing a racket.

Head iX 120 Squash Racket
This is a great, lightweight racket for a player I’d say of intermediate standard. It has a 120g (4.2 oz) frame with a decent sized head. It has Heads so-called Intellifibres which are meant to provide a stiffer touch as you make contact with the ball The racket is pre-strung in a 14 x 18 […]

HEAD i110 Squash Racket
The Head i110 squash racket has been around for a good few years now, but it is still one of the lightest rackets on the market. Personally, I’ve always preferred a light racket but then again I’ve never progressed further than low-level county standard. I’ve heard that a lot of professional players like a little […]